Mic_check (misc)

After connecting via nc, there are 100 rounds where you have to succeed in the mic check, if you’re not fast enough to type the words out, it returns mic check fail :(

$ nc 31991
mic test >  o [1/100]
submit test words > o
mic test >  zh [2/100]
submit test words > zh
mic test >  odk [3/100]
submit test words > odk
mic test >  rdhm [4/100]
submit test words > rdhm
mic check fail :(

I wrote the following script to automate this:

from pwn import *

target = remote("", 31617)

# Function to process and send data
def process_and_send(data):
    data = data.decode("utf-8")
    new = data.split("mic test >  ")[-1].split(" [")[0]

# Loop for subsequent rounds
for i in range(100):
    data = target.recvuntil(b"]")


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